Hi there, I’m Banish Angular, founder of Banish Media, an Edmonton-based digital marketing agency. As a fellow small business owner, I know those marketing dollars need to stretch! That’s why I’m sharing these 30+ online marketing strategies. Some are quick wins, others require long-term effort, but they’ll all help you connect with Edmonton customers and beyond.

1. Define Your Perfect Customer (Who Are You Trying to Reach?)

Before anything else, picture your ideal customer. Are they a busy working mom in St. Albert? A Millennial looking for unique experiences downtown? Understanding their age, location, problems, and online habits is crucial for targeting your marketing. You can consult or hire a survey agency to do that work for you.

2. Build a User-Friendly, Mobile-First Website

Your website is your online storefront. It must be easy to navigate, fast-loading (especially on phones!), and visually appealing to build credibility. If it looks cluttered or outdated, people will bounce. You can use tools such as webflow, wix.com & GoDaddy website builder to create high performance websites.

3. Invest in SEO (Get Found on Google!)

Search Engine Optimization helps people find you when they search on Google, etc. Start by understanding “keywords” – the things people type in. Then, tailor your website content using those terms naturally.

Example: If you’re a bakery in Terwillegar, include keywords like “Terwillegar bakery,” “Edmonton birthday cakes,” etc.

If you need help in SEO, we offer SEO services. Please contact us today!

Resource: Moz Beginner’s Guide to SEO: https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-seo

4. Claim Your Google Business Profile (It’s Free!)

This ensures your business shows up on Google Maps and in local searches. Keep info accurate, upload photos, and encourage customer reviews for an extra boost. To learn more about GBP, go here: https://www.google.com/intl/en_ca/business/

5. Get Listed in Local Directories

Being listed on sites like Yelp, Yellow Pages, and industry-specific directories helps with Edmonton searches, even if people don’t click directly from them.

Here is the list of top 20 directories where you can add your business for free!

Google Business Profilehttps://www.google.com/business/
Bing Places for Businesshttps://www.bingplaces.com/
Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/ (Create a business page)
Yellow Pageshttps://business.yellowpages.ca/
Better Business Bureau (BBB)https://www.bbb.org/
Yahoo! Localhttps://local.yahoo.com/
Chamber of Commercehttps://www.uschamber.com/ (Check for your local chamber)
Angi (formerly Angie’s List)https://www.angi.com/

6. Embrace the Power of Content

Blogging, videos, or even infographics establish your expertise and help with SEO. Create helpful content that answers questions potential customers have.

Example: A Sherwood Park realtor could write blogs like “5 Tips for First-time Homebuyers in Sherwood Park”

7. Harness Social Media (Choose the Right Channels)

Don’t be everywhere! Focus on where YOUR customers hang out. Facebook is versatile, Instagram is visual, and LinkedIn is great for B2B businesses. Post consistently, engage with followers, and offer value.

8. Email Marketing: Stay Connected

Email is NOT dead! Collect email addresses and send regular newsletters, promotions, or helpful tips that keep you top of mind.

Resource: Mailchimp is great for beginners: https://mailchimp.com/

9. Leverage Online Reviews

Positive reviews are marketing gold! Ask happy customers to leave them on Google, Facebook, etc. Respond graciously to both good and bad reviews to demonstrate you care about customer experience.

10. Run Targeted PPC Ads

Pay-Per-Click ads on Google or social media get you in front of specific audiences fast. Target carefully – a Windermere landscaper shouldn’t advertise across all of Alberta! Start with a small budget and track results.

11. Partner Up with Influencers

Partnering with local influencers (think bloggers, Instagrammers) can expose your brand to a new, engaged audience. Do your research to find influencers who align with your business.

12. Host Contests & Giveaways

These generate buzz and can give a massive boost to your social media reach or email list. Keep it simple and offer a prize relevant to your ideal customer.

Example: A Beaumont cafe could give away a custom cake, encouraging people to tag friends for entries.

13. Offer Unbeatable Customer Service

Fast, friendly service creates loyal customers who become brand advocates. Respond swiftly to online questions or complaints, showing you value their experience.

14. Network the Old-Fashioned Way

Join local business groups, attend events! Building relationships in Edmonton can lead to partnerships, referrals, and increased brand awareness.

15. Don’t Neglect Traditional Marketing

Online is powerful, but flyers, local radio, or newspaper ads can still reach certain audiences in the Edmonton area. It depends on your target market!

16. Create Killer Video Content

Video is HUGE, especially short-form content like on TikTok or Instagram Reels. Showcase your products, offer a behind-the-scenes peek, or share tips. Even simple phone videos can work!

17. Repurpose Your Content

That amazing blog post? Turn it into social media graphics, an email snippet, or even a short video. Get more mileage out of your hard work!

18. Partner with Complementary Businesses

Team up with a non-competing business that shares your target audience. Cross-promote, offer bundled deals, or run an online event together.

Example: A Mill Woods yoga studio + a smoothie shop could offer a “Stretch & Sip” package.

19. Give Back to the Edmonton Community

Supporting local causes builds goodwill and positive brand association. Sponsor a little league team, donate to a charity, or volunteer your time.

20. Become a Guest Blogger

Share your expertise on other websites or blogs in the Edmonton area. This builds your authority and can drive traffic back to your own website.

21. Use Facebook Groups the Right Way

Join local groups relevant to your niche. Participate authentically by offering help, not just sales pitches. Don’t get spammy!

22. Experiment with Webinars or Online Courses

These are fantastic for showcasing your knowledge and attracting leads, especially in B2B services. Keep them valuable and focused.

23. Invest in a Great CRM

A Customer Relationship Management system keeps track of leads and customers. It allows you to automate emails, follow-ups, etc., streamlining your sales process.

Resource: Check out free options like Hubspot CRM: https://www.hubspot.com/products/crm

24. Personalize Your Marketing

Use customers’ names in emails, suggest products based on past purchases, etc. Today’s consumers expect tailored experiences.

25. Offer Loyalty Programs

This rewards repeat customers and encourages word-of-mouth. It could be a points system, punch card, or exclusive perks.

26. Retargeting Ads: Don’t Let Them Forget You

These ads follow people who visited your website but didn’t buy. It’s a gentle nudge to keep you top of mind and bring them back.

27. Make Sharing Easy

Add social share buttons to your website and blog posts. If people love your content, make it a breeze for them to spread the word!

28. A/B Test Your Efforts

Never assume what works! Test different email subject lines, ad images, or website layouts to see what gets the best results.

29. Track Everything (Analytics Are Your Friend)

Google Analytics and social media insights show you what’s working and what’s flopping. Adjust your strategy and budget for maximum impact.

Resource: Google Analytics Academy offers free courses: https://analytics.google.com/analytics/academy/

30. Promote Your Employees

Highlighting your team humanizes your brand and can attract talent. Share stories about their skills, passions, or quirky hobbies (with their permission, of course!).

31. Embrace User-Generated Content

Encourage customers to share photos using your products or at your location. Repost the best ones, giving credit – it’s authentic social proof!

32. Listen & Respond to Feedback

Actively monitor social media mentions, reviews, and online forums. Respond to concerns promptly and use feedback to improve your business.

33. Outsource When It Makes Sense

Don’t be afraid to call in reinforcements! If you’re struggling with a particular aspect of marketing, consider hiring a freelancer or an agency like mine (wink, wink).

34. Be Consistent… and Patient

Online marketing takes time! Consistency is key, even if it feels slow at first. Set realistic expectations and keep refining your strategy.

Important Notes:

  • You don’t need to do ALL of these! Pick what aligns with your business and resources.
  • Marketing trends change. Stay updated by following industry blogs and experts.
  • Don’t forget – great products and service are the foundation of any successful marketing!

Overwhelmed? Need More Help?

Remember, I’m always here at Banish Media to provide personalized guidance and take the weight of marketing off your shoulders. Let’s talk about how to make your business thrive online!

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